A tribute to personal growth
- Bright abstract paintings empowering people to reach their dreams -
I want my art to be a tribiute to personal growth and self development, because that is the one thing that inspires me the most.
I want to remind people of their own dreams and the development of their own potential.
Success does not come by itself, but requires constant development of your skills.
Each of my artworks has a meaning, which is related to personal growth.
To me, art is about reminding others of their individual dreams, motivating them to get the most out of their own lives and to follow their passion.
Everyone is supposed to believe in themselves and their own visions. If you need a little reminder, feel free to get inspired by my paintings.
Jedes meiner Kunstwerke hat eine Bedeutung, welche an Themen der Selbstentfaltung oder Persönlichkeitsentwicklung angelehnt ist. Kunst bedeutet für mich, andere an ihre individuellen Träume zu erinnern, zu motivieren, das Beste aus dem eigenen Leben herauszuholen und der persönlichen Leidenschaft zu folgen.
Jeder kann an sich selbst glauben, auf seine eigenen Visionen hin-arbeiten und, falls manchmal eine kleine Erinnerung daran nötig ist, sich gern durch meine Kunstwerke inspirieren lassen.